Sonntag, 31. März 2013

Cape Breton’s creative economy growing

(in Arts & Entertainment Business by Alison Gallant — March 27, 2013)

This year marks the first annual Growing A Creative Economy Conference in Sydney, hosted by Cape Breton Centre for Craft & Design ().
There’s a general theme highlighting this conference: collaboration. Collaboration between artists and dancers and musicians, and the pairing of people with seemingly unlinked skill sets such as engineers and artisans. The Centre is opening a forum of communication on how to start this conversation of collaboration to strengthen the community.

Sonntag, 24. März 2013

Bras d`Or Lake: Canada’s 16th UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

Von 610 Biosphere Reserves in 117 Ländern der Welt sind sechzehn in Canada und eins davon ist nun der Bras d`Or Lake, auf dem wir die Basis für unserem 12-Meter Katamaran planen.
Mehr Infos zum UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Bras d`Or Lake hier.....